Java Reference
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Note: In an unweighted graph, the shortest path between two given vertices has the shortest
length—that is, it has the fewest edges. The algorithm to find this path is based on a breadth-
first traversal. If several paths have the same shortest length, the algorithm will find only one
of them .
The algorithm. The following algorithm finds the shortest path in an unweighted graph between
the vertices originVertex and endVertex . Like the breath-first traversal in Segment 28.12, the
algorithm uses a queue to hold the vertices as they are visited. It then uses the given, initially empty
stack path to construct the shortest path.
Algorithm getShortestPath(originVertex, endVertex, path)
done = false
vertexQueue = a new queue to hold vertices as they are visited
Mark originVertex as visited
while (!done && !vertexQueue.isEmpty())
frontVertex = vertexQueue.dequeue()
while (!done && frontVertex has a neighbor )
nextNeighbor = next neighbor of frontVertex
if (nextNeighbor is not visited )
Mark nextNeighbor as visited
Set the length of the path to nextNeighbor to 1 + length of path to frontVertex
Set the predecessor of nextNeighbor to frontVertex
if (nextNeighbor equals endVertex)
done = true
// traversal ends - construct shortest path
pathLength = length of path to endVertex
vertex = endVertex
while (vertex has a predecessor )
vertex = predecessor of vertex
return pathLength
When the algorithm ends, the stack path contains the vertices along the shortest path, with the
origin at the top of the stack. The value returned is the length of this shortest path.
Tracing the algorithm. Figure 28-17 traces the steps that the algorithm takes to produce the
path information shown in Figure 28-16a for the unweighted graph in Figure 28-15a. After
adding the origin—vertex A —to the queue, we visit the origin's three neighbors— B , D , and
E —and enqueue them.
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