Java Reference
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Question 10 Revise the definition of the method clear so that it does not call isEmpty .
Hint : The while statement should have an empty body.
Question 11 Consider the following definition of clear :
public void clear()
numberOfEntries = 0;
} // end clear
What is a disadvantage of this definition as compared to the one shown in Segment 2.20?
Removing an unspecified entry. The method remove that has no parameter removes an unspecified
entry from a bag, as long as the bag is not empty. Recall from the method's specification given in the
interface in Listing 1-1 of the previous chapter that the method returns the entry it removes:
/** Removes one unspecified entry from this bag, if possible.
@return either the removed entry, if the removal was successful,
or null otherwise */
public T remove()
If the bag is empty before the method executes, null is returned.
Removing an entry from a bag involves removing it from an array. Although we can access
any entry in the array bag , the last one is easy to remove. To do so, we
Access the entry so it can be returned
Set the entry's array element to null
Decrement numberOfEntries
Decrementing numberOfEntries causes the last entry to be ignored, meaning that it is effectively
removed, even if we did not set its location in the array to null .
A literal translation of the previous steps into Java leads to the following definition of the method:
public T remove()
T result = null ;
if (numberOfEntries > 0)
result = bag[numberOfEntries - 1];
bag[numberOfEntries - 1] = null ;
} // end if
return result;
} // end remove
Note that this method computes numberOfEntries - 1 three times. The following refinement
avoids this repetition:
public T remove()
T result = null ;
if (numberOfEntries > 0)
result = bag[numberOfEntries];
bag[numberOfEntries] = null ;
} // end if
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