Java Reference
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if (comparison == 0)
result = rootNode.getData();
else if (comparison < 0)
if (rootNode.hasLeftChild())
BinaryNodeInterface<T> leftChild = rootNode.getLeftChild();
result = addEntry(leftChild, newEntry);
rootNode.setLeftChild( new BinaryNode<T>(newEntry));
assert comparison > 0;
if (rootNode.hasRightChild())
BinaryNodeInterface<T> rightChild = rootNode.getRightChild();
result = addEntry(rightChild, newEntry);
rootNode.setRightChild( new BinaryNode<T>(newEntry));
} // end if
return result;
} // end addEntry
Although rebalance is called several times during the course of executing these methods, a
rebalancing of the tree occurs at most once. Most calls to rebalance simply check whether a rebal-
ancing is needed.
As attractive as an AVL tree might seem, better search trees have been developed, as you will
now see.
2-3 Trees
A 2-3 tree is a general search tree whose interior nodes must have either two or three children.
A 2-node contains one data item s and has two children, like the nodes in a binary search tree.
This data s is greater than any data in the node's left subtree and less than any data in the right
subtree. That is, the data in the node's left subtree is less than s , and any data in the right subtree
is greater than s , as Figure 27-11a shows.
A 3-node contains two data items, s and l, and has three children. Data that is less than the
smaller data item s occurs in the node's left subtree. Data that is greater than the larger data item l
occurs in the node's right subtree. Data that is between s and l occurs in the node's middle subtree.
Figure 27-11b shows a typical 3-node.
Because it can contain 3-nodes, a 2-3 tree tends to be shorter than a binary search tree. To make
the 2-3 tree balanced, we require that all leaves occur on the same level. Thus, a 2-3 tree is com-
pletely balanced.
2-3 trees
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