Java Reference
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Each time we find a match, we increment a counter. When the loop ends, we simply return the value
of the counter. Note that we must use the method equals to compare objects. That is, we must write
and not
anEntry == bag[index] // WRONG!
We assume that the class to which the objects belong defines its own version of equals .
The method definition follows:
/** Counts the number of times a given entry appears in this bag.
@param anEntry the entry to be counted
@return the number of times anEntry appears in the bag */
public int getFrequencyOf(T anEntry)
int counter = 0;
for ( int index = 0; index < numberOfEntries; index++)
if (anEntry.equals(bag[index]))
} // end if
} // end for
return counter;
} // end getFrequencyOf
The method contains . To see whether a bag contains a given object, we once again search the
array bag . The loop we need here is similar to the one in the method getFrequencyOf , but it should
stop as soon as it finds the first occurrence of the desired entry. The following pseudocode
describes this logic:
while (anEntry is not found and we have more array elements to check )
if (anEntry equals the next array entry )
anEntry is found in the array
This loop terminates under one of two conditions: Either anEntry has been found in the array or the
entire array has been searched without success.
Here, then, is our definition of the method contains :
/** Tests whether this bag contains a given entry.
@param anEntry the entry to locate
@return true if the bag contains anEntry, or false otherwise */
public boolean contains(T anEntry)
boolean found = false ;
for ( int index = 0; !found && (index < numberOfEntries); index++)
if (anEntry.equals(bag[index]))
found = true ;
} // end if
} // end for
return found;
} // end contains
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