Java Reference
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An implementation of this pseudocode follows:
// Corrects an imbalance at the node closest to a structural
// change in the left subtree of the node's right child.
// nodeN is a node, closest to the newly added leaf, at which
// an imbalance occurs and that has a right child.
private BinaryNodeInterface<T> rotateRightLeft(BinaryNodeInterface<T> nodeN)
BinaryNodeInterface<T> nodeC = nodeN.getRightChild();
return rotateLeft(nodeN);
} // end rotateRightLeft
The method rotateLeftRight has a similar implementation and is left as an exercise.
Question 11 Implement the algorithm given in Segment 27.3 for a single left rotation.
Rebalancing. As you saw previously, you can correct an imbalance at node N of an AVL tree
caused by the addition of a node by performing only one of the following rotations, according to
where in the tree the change to its structure occurred:
Right rotation if the addition occurred in the left subtree of N 's left child
Left-right rotation if the addition occurred in the right subtree of N 's left child
Left rotation if the addition occurred in the right subtree of N 's right child
Right-left rotation if the addition occurred in the left subtree of N 's right child
The following pseudocode uses these criteria and the rotation methods to rebalance the tree:
Algorithm rebalance(nodeN)
if (nodeN 's left subtree is taller than its right subtree by more than 1 )
{ // addition was in nodeN 's left subtree
if ( the left child of nodeN has a left subtree that is taller than its right subtree )
// addition was in left subtree of left child
rotateLeftRight(nodeN) // addition was in right subtree of left child
else if (nodeN 's right subtree is taller than its left subtree by more than 1 )
{ // addition was in nodeN 's right subtree
if ( the right child of nodeN has a right subtree that is taller than its left subtree )
// addition was in right subtree of right child
rotateRightLeft(nodeN) // addition was in left subtree of right child
No rebalancing is needed if the heights of node N 's two subtrees either are the same or differ by 1.
The method rebalance . A method getHeightDifference that returns the difference in the heights
of a node's left and right subtrees would help us to implement the previous algorithm. By giving a
sign to the height difference it returns, getHeightDifference can indicate which subtree is taller.
This method can be defined within either the class AVLTree or the class BinaryNode . The latter
choice would be more efficient if each node maintained height information as one or more data
fields instead of recomputing it each time the method is called. (See Project 4.)
A node is unbalanced if its two subtrees differ in height by more than 1, that is, if
getHeightDifference returns a value either greater than 1 or less than - 1. If this return value is
greater than 1, the left subtree is taller; if it is less than - 1, the right subtree is taller.
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