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Figure 27-9 shows a left-right double rotation in general. It is a mirror image of the right-left
double rotation pictured in Figure 27-7. Both left-right and right-left double rotations cause node G
to rotate first above node C and then above node N .
The following algorithm performs the left-right double rotation illustrated in Figure 27-9:
Algorithm rotateLeftRight(nodeN)
// Corrects an imbalance at a given node nodeN due to an addition
// in the right subtree of nodeN 's left child.
nodeC = left child of nodeN
Set nodeN 's left child to the node returned by rotateLeft(nodeC)
return rotateRight(nodeN)
Question 6 Using the notation of Figure 27-9, label nodes N , C , and G , and subtrees T 1 ,
T 2 , T 3 , and T 4 in Figure 27-8.
Note: A double rotation is accomplished by performing two single rotations:
A rotation about node N 's grandchild G (its child's child)
A rotation about node N 's new child
We can imagine G rotating first above N 's original child C and then above N.
Note: An imbalance at node N of an AVL tree can be corrected by a double rotation if
The addition occurred in the left subtree of N 's right child (right-left rotation), or
The addition occurred in the right subtree of N 's left child (left-right rotation)
Summary comments about rotation after an addition. Following an addition to an AVL tree, a
temporary imbalance might occur. Let N be an unbalanced node that is closest to the new leaf.
Either a single or double rotation will restore the tree's balance. No other rotations are necessary.
To see this, remember that before the addition, the tree was balanced; after all, it is an AVL tree.
After an addition that causes a rotation, the tree has the same height as it did before the addition.
Therefore, no node above N can be unbalanced now if it was balanced before the addition. More-
over, the four rotations cover the only four possibilities for the cause of the imbalance at node N :
The addition occurred in the left subtree of N 's left child (right rotation)
The addition occurred in the right subtree of N 's left child (left-right rotation)
The addition occurred in the left subtree of N 's right child (right-left rotation)
The addition occurred in the right subtree of N 's right child (left rotation)
Removing an entry from a binary search tree results in the removal of a node, but not necessar-
ily the node that contained the entry. Thus, removing an entry from an AVL tree can lead to a tem-
porary imbalance. We restore the tree's balance by using single or double rotations as described
previously for addition. We leave the details for you to develop in Project 1.
Note: One single or double rotation during the addition of an entry will restore the balance
of an AVL tree.
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