Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public MaxHeap( int initialCapacity)
// the cast is safe because the new array contains all null entries
T[] tempHeap = (T[]) new Comparable[initialCapacity + 1];
heap = tempHeap;
lastIndex = 0;
} // end constructor
public void add(T newEntry)
< See Segment 26.8. >
} // end add
public T removeMax()
< See Segment 26.12. >
} // end removeMax
public T getMax()
T root = null ;
if (!isEmpty())
root = heap[1];
return root;
} // end getMax
public boolean isEmpty()
return lastIndex < 1;
} // end isEmpty
public int getSize()
return lastIndex;
} // end getSize
public void clear()
for (; lastIndex > -1; lastIndex--)
heap[lastIndex] = null ;
lastIndex = 0;
} // end clear
< Private methods >
. . .
} // end MaxHeap
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