Java Reference
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public boolean hasNext()
return localIterator.hasNext();
} // end hasNext
public K next()
Entry<K, V> nextEntry =;
return nextEntry.getKey();
} // end next
public void remove()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} // end remove
} // end KeyIterator
You implement getValueIterator in a similar manner.
Comments. This implementation of the ADT dictionary is as time efficient as the underlying
search tree. When the binary search tree is balanced, the operations are O(log n ). But a binary
search tree can lose its balance, and so the efficiency of the dictionary operations can degrade to
O( n ) as entries are added or removed. A search tree that stays balanced, such as those you will see
in Chapter 27, would provide a better implementation of the dictionary than the one shown here.
Also, notice that a binary search tree maintains the dictionary entries in sorted order by their
search keys. As a result, getKeyIterator enables us to traverse the search keys in sorted order. In
contrast, other dictionary implementations—hashing, for example—traverse the search keys in
unsorted order.
A binary search tree is a binary tree whose nodes contain Comparable objects. For each node in the tree,
The data in a node is greater than the data in the node's left subtree
The data in a node is less than (or equal to) the data in the node's right subtree
A search tree has the operations contains , getEntry , add , remove , and getInorderIterator , in addition to
the operations common to all trees.
The class BinarySearchTree can be a subclass of BinaryTree , but it must disallow setTree . A client must
create a binary search tree by using only the add method, to avoid changing the order of the nodes in the tree.
The search algorithm to locate an entry in a binary search tree forms the basis of the methods getEntry , add ,
and remove . These methods each have reasonable iterative and recursive implementations.
Each addition of an entry to a binary search tree adds a leaf to the tree. The new entry is placed where the
search algorithm will find it.
Removing an entry from a binary search tree depends on the number of children that belong to the node con-
taining the entry. When the node is a leaf or has one child, you remove the node itself. The node's parent can
adopt a solitary child when it exists. However, when the node N has two children, you replace the node's
entry with another one r whose node is easy to remove. To maintain the order of the binary search tree, this
entry r can be either the largest entry in N 's left subtree or the smallest entry in N 's right subtree. It follows
that r 's node is either a leaf or a node with one child.
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