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Two possible configurations of a node N that has two children
Node P
Node P
Node N
Node N
Node C L
Node C R
Node C L
Node C R
We know that the entries in the tree are distinct. Let e be the entry in node N . Since node N has two
children, e is larger than the entry in N 's left child and smaller than the entry in N 's right child.
Thus, e cannot be the smallest entry in the tree, nor can it be the largest. So, if we imagine the tree's
entries in ascending order, we can write
... a < e < b ...
Here, a is the entry that is immediately before e , and b is the one that is immediately after. An inor-
der traversal of the tree would visit these entries in this same order. Thus, a is called the inorder
predecessor of e, and b is the inorder successor of e .
The entry a must occur in a node in N 's left subtree; b is in a node in N 's right subtree, as Figure 25-9a
illustrates. Moreover, a is the largest entry in N 's left subtree, since a is the entry that is immediately
before e . Suppose that we are able to delete the node that contains a and replace e with a , as Figure 25-9b
shows. Now all of the remaining entries in N 's left subtree are less than a , as needed. All of the entries in
N 's right subtree are greater than e and so are greater than a . Thus, we still have a binary search tree.
Node N and its subtrees: (a) the entry a is immediately before the entry e ,
and b is immediately after e ; (b) after deleting the node that contained a and
replacing e with a
Node N
Node N
Entries e
Locating the entry a . The previous segment assumed that we could find the appropriate entry a and
delete its node. So, let's locate the node that contains a and verify that it does not have two children.
Consider again the original tree in Figure 25-9a. We already know that a must be in N 's left subtree,
and that a is the largest entry in that subtree. To find an entry larger than the one in any given node,
we look at the node's right child. Thus, a occurs in the subtree's rightmost node R , as Figure 25-10
illustrates. Node R cannot have a right child, because if it did, the child's entry would be greater than
a . Therefore, node R has no more than one child and so can be removed from the tree easily.
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