Java Reference
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While it is convenient to express our recursive algorithm in terms of trees and subtrees, our imple-
mentation of a binary tree in the previous chapter suggests that we use root nodes instead. The root
node of a tree or subtree provides a way for us to search or manipulate its descendant nodes.
The following algorithm is equivalent to the one just given, but describes our actual implemen-
tation more closely:
Algorithm bstSearch(binarySearchTreeRoot, desiredObject)
// Searches a binary search tree for a given object.
// Returns true if the object is found.
if (binarySearchTreeRoot is null )
return false
else if (desiredObject == object in binarySearchTreeRoot)
return true
else if (desiredObject < object in binarySearchTreeRoot)
return bstSearch( left child of binarySearchTreeRoot, desiredObject)
return bstSearch( right child of binarySearchTreeRoot, desiredObject)
We will continue to express subsequent algorithms in terms of trees and subtrees, but will use
root nodes in our implementations without explicitly mentioning it.
The method getEntry . As is often the case with recursive algorithms, we implement the actual
search as a private method findEntry that the public method getEntry invokes. Although the algo-
rithm returns a boolean value, our implementation will return the located data object. Thus, we
have the following methods:
public T getEntry(T entry)
return findEntry(getRootNode(), entry);
} // end getEntry
private T findEntry(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rootNode, T entry)
T result = null ;
if (rootNode != null )
T rootEntry = rootNode.getData();
if (entry.equals(rootEntry))
result = rootEntry;
else if (entry.compareTo(rootEntry) < 0)
result = findEntry(rootNode.getLeftChild(), entry);
result = findEntry(rootNode.getRightChild(), entry);
} // end if
return result;
} // end findEntry
We use the methods compareTo and equals to compare the given entry with the existing
entries in the tree. Also, notice our use of methods from the class BinaryNode . We assume that we
have at least package access to this class.
You can implement getEntry iteratively as well, with or without the use of a private method
such as findEntry . We leave this implementation as an exercise.
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