Java Reference
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Computing the Height and Counting Nodes
Methods within BinaryTree . The methods getHeight and getNumberOfNodes are more interesting
than the methods given in the previous segment. Although we could perform the necessary compu-
tations within the class BinaryTree , performing them within the class BinaryNode is easier. Thus,
the following methods of BinaryTree invoke analogous methods of BinaryNode :
public int getHeight()
return root.getHeight();
} // end getHeight
public int getNumberOfNodes()
return root.getNumberOfNodes();
} // end getNumberOfNodes
We now complete the methods getHeight and getNumberOfNodes within BinaryNode .
Methods within BinaryNode . Within BinaryNode , the method getHeight returns the height of the
subtree rooted at the node used to invoke the method. Likewise, getNumberOfNodes returns the
number of nodes within that same subtree.
The public method getHeight can call a private recursive method getHeight that has a node
as its parameter. The height of the tree rooted at a node is 1—for the node itself—plus the height of
the node's tallest subtree. Thus, we have the following implementation:
public int getHeight()
return getHeight( this ); // call private getHeight
} // end getHeight
private int getHeight(BinaryNode<T> node)
int height = 0;
if (node != null )
height = 1 + Math.max(getHeight(node.left),
return height;
} // end getHeight
We could implement getNumberOfNodes by using the same approach, but instead we will
show you another way. The number of nodes in a tree rooted at a given node is 1—for the node
itself—plus the number of nodes in both the left and right subtrees. Thus, we have the following
recursive implementation:
public int getNumberOfNodes()
int leftNumber = 0;
int rightNumber = 0;
if (left != null )
leftNumber = left.getNumberOfNodes();
if (right != null )
rightNumber = right.getNumberOfNodes();
return 1 + leftNumber + rightNumber;
} // end getNumberOfNodes
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