Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public BinaryTree(T rootData, BinaryTree<T> leftTree,
BinaryTree<T> rightTree)
privateSetTree(rootData, leftTree, rightTree);
} // end constructor
public void setTree(T rootData)
root = new BinaryNode<T>(rootData);
} // end setTree
public void setTree(T rootData, BinaryTreeInterface<T> leftTree,
BinaryTreeInterface<T> rightTree)
privateSetTree(rootData, (BinaryTree<T>)leftTree,
} // end setTree
private void privateSetTree(T rootData, BinaryTree<T> leftTree,
BinaryTree<T> rightTree)
< FIRST DRAFT - See Segments 24.5 - 24.8 for improvements. >
root = new BinaryNode<T>(rootData);
if (leftTree != null )
if (rightTree != null )
} // end privateSetTree
< Implementations of getRootData , getHeight , getNumberOfNodes , isEmpty , clear ,
and the methods specified in TreeIteratorInterface are here. >
. . .
} // end BinaryTree
Programming Tip: No cast is needed when you pass an instance of BinaryTree to a
method whose parameter has the type BinaryTreeInterface . The converse, however,
requires a cast.
The Method privateSetTree
A problem. The implementation of privateSetTree just given is really not sufficient to han-
dle all possible uses of the method. Suppose that the client defines three distinct instances of
BinaryTree treeA , treeB , and treeC —and executes the statement
treeA.setTree(a, treeB, treeC);
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