Java Reference
In-Depth Information
An Interface for a Node
Listing 24-1 contains a Java interface for a class of nodes suitable for a binary tree. We place the
interface in the package TreePackage and omit its access modifier. Without this modifier, the inter-
face is accessible only by classes within TreePackage .
An interface for the nodes in a binary tree
package TreePackage;
interface BinaryNodeInterface<T>
/** Retrieves the data portion of this node.
@return the object in the data portion of the node */
public T getData();
/** Sets the data portion of this node.
@param newData the data object */
public void setData(T newData);
/** Retrieves the left child of this node.
@return the node that is this node's left child */
public BinaryNodeInterface<T> getLeftChild();
/** Retrieves the right child of this node.
@return the node that is this node's right child */
public BinaryNodeInterface<T> getRightChild();
/** Sets this node's left child to a given node.
@param leftChild a node that will be the left child */
public void setLeftChild(BinaryNodeInterface<T> leftChild);
/** Sets this node's right child to a given node.
@param rightChild a node that will be the right child */
public void setRightChild(BinaryNodeInterface<T> rightChild);
/** Detects whether this node has a left child.
@return true if the node has a left child */
public boolean hasLeftChild();
/** Detects whether this node has a right child.
@return true if the node has a right child */
public boolean hasRightChild();
/** Detects whether this node is a leaf.
@return true if the node is a leaf */
public boolean isLeaf();
/** Counts the nodes in the subtree rooted at this node.
@return the number of nodes in the subtree rooted at this node */
public int getNumberOfNodes();
/** Computes the height of the subtree rooted at this node.
@return the height of the subtree rooted at this node */
public int getHeight();
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