Java Reference
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Suppose that you have n values to put into an empty binary search tree.
a. In how many different orders can you add the n values to the tree? This is not the same as the number of
possible binary search trees for n values. Explain why.
b. Figure 23-19b shows a binary search tree that effectively acts like a sorted list. In how many different
orders can you add the n values to the tree such that every parent has only one child? Such a tree has worst-
case performance.
c. What is the probability that a randomly constructed binary search tree has worst-case performance? Hint :
Compute the fraction of the total number of possible orders that results in the worst case.
Draw an expression tree for the algebraic expression ( a + b ) * ( c - d ).
What value does the algorithm given in Segment 23.22 return for the expression tree in Figure 23-14c? Assume
that a is 3, b is 4, and c is 5.
Draw a parse tree for each of the following algebraic expressions:
a. a + b * c
b. ( a + b ) * ( c - d )
Draw a class diagram for the guessing game described in Segments 23.24 through 23.26.
For each of the following projects, assume that you have a class that implements BinaryTreeInterface , given in
Segment 23.18. The next chapter will discuss such implementations.
Write Java code like the code in Segment 23.19 that creates a binary tree whose eight nodes contain the strings
A , B , . . ., H , such that the inorder traversal of the tree visits the nodes in alphabetical order. Write one version that
creates a full tree and one version that creates a tree of maximum height. The inorder traversals of both trees should
produce the same result.
Given an array wordList of 15 strings in any order, write Java code that creates a full binary tree whose inorder
traversal returns the strings in alphabetical order. Hint : Sort the list of strings and then use the eighth string as
the root.
Design an algorithm that produces a binary expression tree from a given postfix expression. You can assume that
the postfix expression is a string that has only binary operators and one-letter operands.
Repeat the previous project, but begin with an infix expression instead of a postfix expression.
Develop an interface GeneralTreeInterface for a general tree.
Given a class GeneralTree that implements the GeneralTreeInterface from Project 6, implement a program that
will read a fully parenthesized Lisp expression, as described in Projects 6 and 7 of Chapter 5, and create an
expression tree. For example, the expression
(+ (- height)
(* 3 3 4)
(/ 3 width length)
(* radius radius)
has the expression tree shown in Figure 23-25.
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