Java Reference
In-Depth Information
/** Sets the data in the current node.
Precondition: The current node is not null.
@param newData the new data object */
public void setCurrentData(T newData);
/** Sets the data in the children of the current node,
creating them if they do not exist.
Precondition: The current node is not null.
@param answerForNo the new data object for the left child
@param answerForYes the new data object for the right child */
public void setAnswers(T answerForNo, T answerForYes);
/** Sees whether the current node contains an answer.
@return true if the current node is a leaf, or
false if it is a nonleaf */
public boolean isAnswer();
/** Sets the current node to its left child.
If the child does not exist, sets the current node to null.
Precondition: The current node is not null. */
public void advanceToNo();
/** Sets the current node to its right child.
If the child does not exist, sets the current node to null.
Precondition: The current node is not null. */
public void advanceToYes();
/** Makes the root of the tree the current node.*/
public void reset();
} // end DecisionTreeInterface
FIGURE 23-15
A portion of a binary decision tree
Is the picture clear?
Ye s
Is the screen blank?
Is there sound?
Ye s
Ye s
Is there sound?
Check mute button
Ye s
Check power cord
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