Java Reference
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if (hashTable[index] references an entry that is in the dictionary and contains key)
Exit loop
index = next probe index
if (key is found )
return index
return -1
The implementation of locate now follows from this pseudocode:
private int locate( int index, K key)
boolean found = false ;
while ( !found && (hashTable[index] != null ) )
if ( hashTable[index].isIn() &&
key.equals(hashTable[index].getKey()) )
found = true ; // key found
else // follow probe sequence
index = (index + 1) % hashTable.length; // linear probing
} // end while
// Assertion: either key or null is found at hashTable[index]
int result = -1;
if (found)
result = index;
return result;
} // end locate
You can change from linear probing to another open addressing scheme for collision resolution
by replacing the highlighted assignment statement in the previous method.
The method add . We begin with the algorithm for adding a new entry:
Algorithm add(key, value)
// Adds a new key-value entry to the dictionary. If key is already in the dictionary,
// returns its corresponding value and replaces it in the dictionary with value .
if ( hash table is too full )
index = getHashIndex(key)
Check for collision and resolve it (this step can alter index )
if (key is not found )
{ // add entry to hash table
hashTable[index] = new TableEntry(key, value)
return null
else // search key is in table; return and replace entry's value
oldValue = hashTable[index].getValue()
return oldValue
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