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Locating an open location in the hash table is called probing , and various probing techniques
are possible. With linear probing , if a collision occurs at hashTable[k] , we see whether
hashTable[k + 1] is available. If not, we look at hashTable[k + 2] , and so on. The table locations
that we consider in this search make up the probe sequence . If a probe sequence reaches the end of
the hash table, it continues at the beginning of the table. Thus, we treat the hash table as if it were
circular: The first location in the table comes immediately after the last location.
Note: Linear probing resolves a collision during hashing by examining consecutive loca-
tions in the hash table—beginning at the original hash index—to find the next available one.
Additions that collide. Recall the example illustrated in Figure 21-2. The search keys 555-1214
and 555-8132 both mapped into the index 52. Suppose that 555-4294 and 555-2072 also map into
that same index, and we make the following additions to an empty dictionary addressBook :
addressBook.add("555-1214", "150 Main Street");
addressBook.add("555-8132", "75 Center Court");
addressBook.add("555-4294", "205 Ocean Road");
addressBook.add("555-2072", "82 Campus Way");
The first addition would use hashTable[52] . The second addition would find hashTable[52] occupied,
and so it would probe ahead and use hashTable[53] . The third addition would find both hashTable[52]
and hashTable[53] occupied, and so it would probe ahead and use hashTable[54] . Finally, the fourth
addition would probe the locations at indices 52, 53, and 54 before using hashTable[55] for the addition.
Figure 21-3 shows the result of these additions to the hash table.
The effect of linear probing after adding four entries whose
search keys hash to the same index
h (555-1214)
h (555-8132)
h (555-4294)
h (555-2072)
150 Main Street
75 Center Court
205 Ocean Road
82 Campus Way
56 null
Hash table
Note: Linear probing can examine every location in a hash table. As a result, this type of
probing ensures the success of the add operation as long as the hash table is not full.
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