Java Reference
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The ADT set is a bag that does not allow duplicate entries. Although we leave the specification and imple-
mentation of the set as exercises in this and subsequent chapters, we do want to present the standard inter-
face Set , which belongs to the package java.util within the Java Class Library. Sets that adhere to the
specifications of this interface do not contain a pair of objects x and y such that x.equals(y) is true.
The following method headers declared in the interface Set are similar to the methods within
our BagInterface . The differences between a method in Set and a corresponding method in
BagInterface are highlighted.
public boolean add(T newEntry)
public boolean remove(Object anEntry)
public void clear()
public boolean contains(Object anEntry)
public boolean isEmpty()
public int size()
public Object[] toArray()
Each of the interfaces Set and BagInterface declare methods that are not in the other.
An abstract data type, or ADT, is a specification of a data set and the operations on that data. This specifica-
tion does not indicate how to store the data or how to implement the operations, and it is independent of any
programming language.
When you use data abstraction to design an ADT, you focus on what you want to do with or to the data with-
out worrying about how you will accomplish these tasks. That is, you ignore the details of how you repre-
sent data and how you manipulate it.
The manifestation of the ADT in a programming language encapsulates the data and operations. As a result,
the particular data representations and method implementations are hidden from the client.
A collection is an object that holds a group of other objects.
A bag is a finite collection whose entries are in no particular order.
A client manipulates or accesses a bag's entries by using only the operations defined for the ADT bag.
When you add an object to a bag, you cannot indicate where in the bag it will be placed.
You can remove from a bag an object having either a given value or one that is unspecified. You also can
remove all objects from a bag.
A bag can report whether it contains a given object. It can also report the number of times a given object
occurs within its contents.
A bag can tell you the number of objects it currently contains and can provide an array of those objects.
Carefully specify the methods for a proposed class before you begin to implement them, using tools such as
CRC cards and UML notation.
After designing a draft of an ADT, confirm your understanding of the operations and their design by writing
some pseudocode that uses the ADT.
You should specify the action a method should take if it encounters an unusual situation.
Writing a Java interface is a way to organize a specification for an ADT.
Writing a program that tests a class before it is defined is a way to see whether you fully understand and are
satisfied with the specification of the class's methods.
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