Java Reference
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Enter first name and last name or quit to end: Maria Lopez
The phone number for Maria Lopez is 401-555-1234
Enter first name and last name or quit to end: Hunter
Error in entering name. Try again.
Enter first name and last name or quit to end: Hunter Smith
Hunter Smith is not in the directory.
Enter first name and last name or quit to end: quit
Beginning the implementation. The class TelephoneDirectory begins as shown in Listing 19-3.
We assume that the class SortedDictionary implements a sorted version of the ADT dictionary
having distinct search keys. A sorted dictionary requires its search keys to belong to a class that
implements the interface Comparable . We assume that Name does so.
An outline of the class TelephoneDirectory
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TelephoneDirectory
private DictionaryInterface<Name, String> phoneBook;
public TelephoneDirectory()
phoneBook = new SortedDictionary<Name, String>();
} // end default constructor
/** Reads a text file of names and telephone numbers.
@param data a text scanner for the text file of data */
public void readFile(Scanner data)
. . . < See Segment 19.10. >
} // end readFile
/** Gets the phone number of a given person. */
public String getPhoneNumber(Name personName)
. . . < See Segment 19.11. >
} // end getPhoneNumber
} // end TelephoneDirectory
To implement the method readFile , you need to know what the data file looks like. Suppose that
each line in the file contains three strings—a first name, a last name, and a telephone number—
separated by blanks. Thus, a typical line might appear as
Suzanne Nouveaux
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