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Choosing between an iterative search and a recursive search. Since the recursive sequential
search is tail recursive, you can save some time and space by using the iterative version of the search.
The binary search is fast, so using recursion will not require much additional space for the recursive
calls. Also, coding the binary search recursively is somewhat easier than coding it iteratively. To con-
vince yourself of this, try to code an iterative version of the binary search. (See Exercise 6 at the end
of this chapter.)
A sequential search of either a list, an array, or a chain looks at the first item, the second item, and so on until
it either finds a particular item or discovers that the item does not occur in the group.
The average-case performance of a sequential search is O( n ).
Typically, you perform a sequential search iteratively, although a simple recursive approach is also possible.
A binary search of an array requires that the array be sorted. It looks first to see whether the desired item is at
the middle of the array. If it is not, the search decides in which half of the array the item can occur and
repeats this strategy on only this half.
A binary search is O(log n ) in the worst case.
Typically, you perform a binary search recursively, although an iterative approach is also possible.
A binary search of a linked chain of nodes is impractical.
Classes that implement the Comparable interface must define a compareTo method. Such classes should also
define an equals method that overrides the equals method inherited from Object . Both compareTo and
equals should use the same test for equality. The method binarySearch in Segment 18.13 calls both the
method equals and the method compareTo . If the objects in the array did not have an appropriate equals
method, binarySearch would not execute correctly. Note, however, that you could use compareTo instead of
equals to test for equality.
Revise the recursive method search , as given in Segment 18.6, so that it looks at the last entry in the array instead
of the first one.
When searching a sorted array sequentially, you can ascertain that a given item does not appear in the array
without searching the entire array. For example, if you search the array
2 5 7 9
for 6, you can use the approach described in Segment 18.8. That is, you compare 6 to 2, then to 5, and finally to 7.
Since you did not find 6 after comparing it to 7, you do not have to look further, because the other entries in the array
are greater than 7 and therefore cannot equal 6. Thus, you do not simply ask whether 6 equals an array entry, you
also ask whether it is greater than the entry. Since 6 is greater than 2, you continue the search. Likewise for 5. Since
6 is less than 7, you have passed the point in the array where 6 would have had to occur, so 6 is not in the array.
a. Write an iterative method contains to take advantage of these observations when searching a sorted array
b. Write a recursive method search that a method contains can call to take advantage of these observations
when searching a sorted array sequentially.
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