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That is, beginning with n items, we would be left with n / 2 items, then n / 4 items, and so on. In the
worst case, the search would continue until only one item was left. That is, n / 2 k would equal 1 for
some integer value of k . This value of k gives us the number of times the array is divided in half, or
the number of recursive calls to binarySearch .
If n is a power of 2, n is 2 k for some positive k . By the definition of a logarithm, k is log 2 n .
If n is not a power of 2, you can find a positive integer k so that n lies between 2 k - 1 and 2 k . For
example, if n is 14, 2 3 < 14 < 2 4 . Thus, we have for some k
2 k - 1 < n < 2 k
k - 1 < log 2 n < k
k = 1 + log 2 n rounded down
= log 2 n rounded up
To summarize,
k = log 2 n when n is a power of 2
k =
when n is not a power of 2
In general, k —the number of recursive calls to binarySearch —is
Note: Ceiling and floors
The ceiling of a number x , denoted as , is the smallest integer greater than or equal to x .
For example, is 5. The floor of a number x , denoted as , is the largest integer less
than or equal to x . For example, is 4. When you truncate a positive real number to an
integer, you actually are computing the number's floor by discarding any fractional portion.
Each call to binarySearch , with the possible exception of the last one, makes two comparisons
between the target and the middle element in the array: One tests for equality and one for less than
or greater than. Thus, the binary search performs at most 2
comparisons, and so in the
worst case is O(log n ).
To search an array of 1000 elements, the binary search will compare the target to about 10 array
entries in the worst case. In contrast, a simple sequential search could compare the target to as
many as all 1000 array entries, and on average will compare it to about 500 array elements.
Note: The time efficiency of a binary search of an array
Best case: O(1)
Wor st ca se: O(log n )
Average case: O(log n )
Question 9 Think of a number between 1 and 1 million. When I guess at your number, tell
me whether my guess is correct, too high, or too low. At most, how many attempts will I
need before I guess correctly? Hint : You are counting guesses, not comparisons.
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