Java Reference
In-Depth Information
private class Node
private T data;
private Node next;
. . .
} // end Node
} // end LList
So far, nothing should be new to you. Now imagine that we want LList to serve as a base class for
another class that you are developing. You saw in the previous section of this chapter that a sub-
class of LList —just like a client of LList —cannot access by name anything declared as private
within LList . That is, a subclass cannot access the data field firstNode , the method getNodeAt , or
the class Node , as Figure 17-1 illustrates. If we want to extend the capability of LList and do so
efficiently, the subclass will need access to these aspects of the class—in other words, to the under-
lying data structure.
A derived class of the class LList cannot access or change
anything that is private within LList
Private data fields:
Private method:
Private inner class:
Any subclass (derived class)
• Cannot access or change firstNode
• Cannot change numberOfEntries
• Cannot invoke getNodeAt
• Cannot create an instance of Node
• Cannot access or change fields of an existing node
We can revise LList to make it more suitable as a base class by providing its subclasses con-
trolled access to items that are hidden from a client. First, let's recall protected access, which we
discussed in Segment C.13 of Appendix C:
Note: Protected access
You can access a protected method or data field by name only within its own class definition C ,
within any subclass of C , or within any class in the same package as C .
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