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If the list's method were a void method, we could give the overriding version an empty
body, but then the client would be unaware that the method did not do anything.
Implement the list's add and replace methods within the class SortedList and have them
throw an exception when invoked. For example, add could appear as follows:
public boolean add( int newPosition, T newEntry)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Illegal attempt to add " +
"at a specified position within a sorted list.");
} // end add
This version of add also overrides the version that LList implements. If the client invokes
this method, an exception occurs. This approach is a common practice, and it is the one we
Note: If SortedList overrides the list's method add , the class's implementation still can
invoke the method, as happens in Segment 17.1. The use of super in the call indicates that we
are invoking the list's version of the method, not the overriding version in SortedList .
Question 2 As a variation of the second possibility just given, you could implement the ADT
list's two add methods within SortedList so that each one calls the add method specified in
SortedListInterface . In this way, the new entry is added in its correct position within the
sorted list. Why is this not a good idea?
Programming Tip: If your class inherits methods that are inappropriate, you can over-
ride them with methods that throw an exception when invoked. In such a case, examine your
design and consider whether inheritance was the right choice. Do the benefits of inheritance
outweigh the inconvenience of overriding the inappropriate methods, or would composition
provide a cleaner design?
Efficiency. The implementation of SortedList given here has the same efficiency—or inefficiency
in this case—as the version that uses composition given in the previous chapter. If LList had been
designed with inheritance in mind, SortedList could access LList 's underlying data structure and
provide faster operations. To this end, we revise the class LList in the next section.
Note: The implementation of the sorted list that extends the class LList is as inefficient as
the implementation that uses composition given in the previous chapter.
Question 3 Give at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using inheritance in the
way shown in this section to implement the class SortedList .
Designing a Base Class
Let's examine the class LList that we developed in Chapter 14 as a linked implementation of the
ADT list. Recall that the class places each of the list's entries into its own node. These nodes are
linked so that the first entry's node references the node of the second entry, and so on. A data field
firstNode of the class references the first node, and another data field numberOfEntries counts the
number of entries in the list.
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