Java Reference
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Remember, remove must throw an exception if the field isRemoveOrSetLegal is false. If the
field is true, the method must set it to false. An implementation of remove follows:
public void remove()
if (isRemoveOrSetLegal)
isRemoveOrSetLegal = false ;
if (lastMove.equals(Move.NEXT))
// next() called, but neither add() nor remove() has been
// called since
// nextIndex is 1 more than the index of the entry returned
// by next(), so it is the position number of the entry
// to be removed
ArrayListWithListIterator. this .remove(nextIndex);
// previous() called, but neither add() nor remove() has been
// called since
assert lastMove.equals(Move.PREVIOUS);
// nextIndex is the index of the entry returned by previous(),
// so it is 1 less than the position number of the entry
// to be removed
ArrayListWithListIterator. this .remove(nextIndex + 1);
} // end if
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal call to remove(); " +
"next() or previous() was not called, OR "
"add() or remove() called since then.");
} // end remove
The method set . The method set replaces the last entry in the list that either next or previous has
returned. It uses nextIndex , as updated by either of the methods next or previous . Since the method
next returns list[nextIndex] and then increments nextIndex , the method set would replace the
object in list[nextIndex - 1] after a call to next . Likewise, since previous decrements nextIndex
and then returns list[nextIndex] , the method set would replace list[nextIndex] after a call to
previous .
The following implementation of set reflects these observations and uses the same logic that
we used in remove to see whether to throw IllegalStateException :
public void set(T newEntry)
if (isRemoveOrSetLegal)
if (lastMove.equals(Move.NEXT))
list[nextIndex - 1] = newEntry;
assert lastMove.equals(Move.PREVIOUS);
list[nextIndex] = newEntry;
} // end if
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