Java Reference
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An Inner Class Iterator
By using separate class iterators, you can have multiple and distinct iterations of a list exist simulta-
neously. However, separate class iterators belong to a public class, so they can access the list's data
fields only indirectly via ADT operations. As a result, the iterations take more time than those per-
formed by other kinds of iterators. For ADTs other than a list, a separate class iterator might have
insufficient access to the data fields to perform an iteration.
A desirable alternative is to define the iterator class as an inner class of the ADT. Because the
resulting iterator objects are distinct from the ADT, you can have multiple iterations in progress at
the same time. Moreover, since the iterator belongs to an inner class, it has direct access to the
ADT's data fields. For these reasons, an inner class iterator is usually preferable to a separate class
In this section, we will implement the interface Iterator by adding an inner class to each of
two implementations of the ADT list. First, we will use a linked implementation of the list but will
provide only the iterator operations hasNext and next . Then we will use an array-based list and
support all three operations of Iterator .
Alternative iterator
A Linked Implementation
To achieve our goal, we must define the methods specified in Iterator within a new inner class of
the class that implements the ADT list. We'll name this inner class IteratorForLinkedList and
name the outer class LinkedListWithIterator . The outer class will be much like the class LList
of Chapter 14. However, it needs another method that the client can use to create an iterator. This
method, getIterator , has the following simple implementation:
public Iterator<T> getIterator()
return new IteratorForLinkedList();
} // end getIterator
We will show you how to use this method shortly.
To accommodate this new method, we create a new interface—shown in Listing 15-3—that extends
ListInterface instead of changing it. This interface has all the list methods of ListInterface and the
new method getIterator .
The interface ListWithIteratorInterface
import java.util.Iterator;
public interface ListWithIteratorInterface<T> extends ListInterface<T>
public Iterator<T> getIterator();
} // end ListWithIteratorInterface
Because a class can implement more than one interface, we could define the class
LinkedListWithIterator without using our new interface. But having this interface enables us to
declare an object of type ListWithIteratorInterface and know that the object will have the list
methods as well as the method getIterator .
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