Java Reference
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You can add a dummy head node, as Project 5 describes, to the beginning of a doubly linked chain. Modify the
implementation of the ADT list described in the previous project by adding a dummy head node to the chain.
Define a class that is a linked implementation of the interface FixedSizeListInterface , as described in Project 8
of the previous chapter.
Repeat any of the projects 1 through 5 and 8 through 15 in the previous chapter by either using a linked chain or
involving the class LList instead of the class AList .
To locate the n th node in a chain, getNodeAt starts at the first node and counts nodes as it traverses the chain from
node to node, until it reaches the n th one. The following pseudocode describes the steps in more detail:
currentNode = firstNode
for (counter = 1 to n)
currentNode = currentNode.getNextNode()
The desired node is at currentNode
Yes. With newPosition equal to numberOfNodes + 1 , nodeBefore will reference the last node in the chain. More-
over, nodeAfter will be null , n ewNode 's link field will be set to null , and the last node's link will reference the
new node.
No. The statements given in Segment 14.4 do not assign a new value to firstNode . Also, when the chain is
empty, numberOfNodes is zero. The precondition of getNodeAt given in Segment 14.3 requires a positive argu-
ment. Even if you redesign getNodeAt , the empty chain will remain a special case.
a. This approach is inefficient of time, since each addition causes getNodeAt to traverse the chain from its begin-
ning until it locates the chain's last node. Thus, each addition depends on the length of the chain.
b. Maintaining a tail reference would allow additions to the end of the chain to occur in O(1) time, that is, inde-
pendently of the length of the chain.
Since the chain is not empty, firstNode is not null . Thus, currentNode 's initial value is not null . The loop in
getNodeAt can iterate no more than numberOfNodes - 1 times. After the first iteration, currentNode references the
second node. After the second iteration, it references the third node. If the loop were to iterate numberOfNodes - 1
times, currentNode would reference the last node. It would not be null .
a. assert !isEmpty() && (newPosition > 1);
b. getNodeAt(newPosition)
c. No. Calling getNodeAt to get a reference to the node after the one that nodeBefore references results in another
traversal of the chain from its beginning. The expression nodeBefore.getNextNode() provides a much faster
way to get the required reference.
It could be, but testing for an empty list is unnecessary. The first if statement ensures that the value of
newPosition ranges from 1 to numberOfEntries + 1. If the list is empty, numberOfEntries is 0, therefore
newPosition must be 1. Since adding to an empty list is the same as adding to the beginning of any list, we
need not be concerned with empty lists.
The first method add invokes getNodeAt only if the list is not empty. Thus, the argument numberOfEntries passed to
getNodeAt is
itself. The second method add checks the validity of newPosition and then calls getNodeAt
only if the list is not empty and newPosition > 1. It is possible for newPosition to equal numberOfEntries + 1, but
since getNodeAt 's argument is newPosition - 1, the argument's value is
1 and
numberOfEntries as required.
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