Java Reference
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Define the method getPosition , as described in Exercise 2 of the previous chapter, for the class LList . Compare
the execution time required by this method with the version of getPosition defined in the class AList .
Implement an equals method for the class LList that returns true when the entries in one list equal the entries in a
second list.
Repeat Exercise 10 in the previous chapter, but use the class LList instead of AList .
Suppose that a list contains Comparable objects. Implement a method that returns a new list of items that are less
than some given item. The header of the method could be as follows:
public LList<T> getAllLessThan(Comparable<T> anObject)
Write an implementation of this method for the class LList . Make sure that your method does not affect the state
of the original list.
Define the method remove , as described in Exercise 3 of the previous chapter, for the class LList .
Repeat the previous exercise, but remove all occurrences of anObject from the list.
Define the method moveToEnd , as described in Exercise 4 of the previous chapter, for the class LList .
Implement a replace method for the class LList that returns the replaced object.
Suppose that a list contains Comparable objects. Define the methods getMin and removeMin , as described in
Exercise 7 of the previous chapter, for the class LList .
Consider an instance arrayList of AList , as given in the previous chapter. Let the list have an initial size of 10.
Also, consider an instance of LList called chainList .
a. How large is the underlying array after adding 145 items to arrayList ?
b. How large is the underlying array after adding 20 more items to arrayList ?
c. How many nodes are in the chain after adding 145 items to chainList ?
d. How many nodes are in the chain after adding 20 more items to chainList ?
e. Each node in a chain has two references, so a chain of n nodes has 2 n references. An array of size n , on the
other hand, has n references. Count the number of references in each of the situations described in Parts a
through d .
f. When will arrayList use fewer references than chainList ?
g. When will chainList use fewer references than arrayList ?
A doubly linked chain, like the one described in Exercise 12 and Figure 3-11 of Chapter 3, has nodes that each can
reference a previous node and a next node. In Chapter 3, the doubly linked chain has only a head reference, but it
can have both a head reference and a tail reference, as Figure 14-12 illustrates.
List the steps necessary to add a node to a doubly linked chain when the new node is
a. First in the chain
b. Last in the chain
c. Between existing nodes in the chain
FIGURE 14-12
A doubly linked chain for Exercises 15 and 16 and Project 8
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