Java Reference
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result = nodeToRemove.getData();
// save entry to be removed
} // end if
} // end if
return result;
// return removed entry, or
// null if operation fails
} // end remove
Notice that we use the private method getNodeAt , which we wrote originally for the add meth-
ods, to locate the node before the one to be removed. This method is called only when we remove
an entry other than the first one. Thus, its argument givenPosition - 1 will always be greater than
zero, as its precondition requires.
Also notice that we do not explicitly set nodeToRemove to null after disconnecting the node.
This variable is local to the remove method and so does not exist after the method completes execu-
tion. Although we could set nodeToRemove to null , doing so is not necessary.
Question 13 Why is the assertion in the previous method true?
The method replace . Replacing a list entry requires us to replace the data portion of a node with
other data. We can use the private method getNodeAt to locate the node and then simply replace its
data portion. Before calling getNodeAt , we check that the list is not empty and the given position is
valid. The implementation appears as follows:
public boolean replace( int givenPosition, T newEntry)
boolean isSuccessful = true ;
if ((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= numberOfEntries))
assert !isEmpty();
Node desiredNode = getNodeAt(givenPosition);
isSuccessful = false ;
return isSuccessful;
} // end replace
Note: The method replace replaces the data in a node, but not the node itself.
Question 14 Compare the time required to replace an entry in a list using the previous
method replace with the time required for the array-based version given in Segment 13.12.
The method getEntry . Retrieving a list entry is straightforward:
public T getEntry( int givenPosition)
T result = null ; // result to return
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