Java Reference
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The following pseudocode establishes a new node for the given data—referenced by
newEntry —and inserts it into the empty chain:
newNode references a new instance of Node
Place newEntry in newNode
firstNode = address of newNode
Figure 14-1b shows the result of this operation. In Java, these steps appear as follows, where newEntry
references the entry to be added to the list:
Node newNode = new Node(newEntry);
firstNode = newNode;
Notice that in Figure 14-1b, firstNode and newNode reference the same node. After the insertion of
the new node is complete, only firstNode should reference it. We could set newNode to null , but
as you will see, newNode will be a local variable of the method add . As such, newNode will not exist
after add ends its execution.
Case 2: Adding a node to the beginning of a chain. This case should be familiar to you, as well.
The following pseudocode describes the steps needed to add a node to the beginning of a chain:
newNode references a new instance of Node
Place newEntry in newNode
Set newNode 's link to firstNode
Set firstNode to newNode
The new node is now the first node. Figure 14-2 illustrates these steps, and the following Java state-
ments implement them:
Node newNode = new Node(newEntry);
firstNode = newNode;
To simplify the figure, we have omitted the actual entries in the list. These entries are objects that
the nodes reference.
A chain of nodes (a) just prior to adding a node at the beginning;
(b) just after adding a node at the beginning
Note: Recall that adding a node to an empty chain, as Figure 14-1 depicts, is actually the
same as adding a node to the beginning of a chain.
Case 3: Adding a node between adjacent nodes of a chain. Because the ADT list allows addi-
tions between two existing entries, we must be able to add a node to a chain between two existing,
consecutive nodes. The necessary steps for this task are described by the following pseudocode:
newNode references the new node
Place newEntry in newNode
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