Java Reference
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public interface ListInterface<T>
/** Adds a new entry to the end of this list.
Entries currently in the list are unaffected.
The list's size is increased by 1.
@param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry */
public void add(T newEntry);
/** Adds a new entry at a specified position within this list.
Entries originally at and above the specified position
are at the next higher position within the list.
The list's size is increased by 1.
@param newPosition an integer that specifies the desired
position of the new entry
@param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry
@return true if the addition is successful, or
false if newPosition < 1, or newPosition > getLength()+1
public boolean add( int newPosition, T newEntry);
/** Removes the entry at a given position from this list.
Entries originally at positions higher than the given
position are at the next lower position within the list,
and the list's size is decreased by 1.
@param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of
the entry to be removed
@return a reference to the removed entry or null, if either
the list was empty, givenPosition < 1, or
givenPosition > getLength() */
public T remove( int givenPosition);
/** Removes all entries from this list. */
public void clear();
/** Replaces the entry at a given position in this list.
@param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of
the entry to be replaced
@param newEntry the object that will replace the entry at the
position givenPosition
@return true if the replacement occurs, or false if either the
list is empty, givenPosition < 1, or
givenPosition > getLength() */
public boolean replace( int givenPosition, T newEntry);
/** Retrieves the entry at a given position in this list.
@param givenPosition an integer that indicates the position of
the desired entry
@return a reference to the indicated entry or null, if either
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