Java Reference
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Removing the front entry. We can retrieve and remove the entry at the front of the queue by using
Vector 's method remove with an argument of zero. This method returns the removed entry, which
is just what dequeue needs to do:
public T dequeue()
T front = null ;
if (!isEmpty())
front = queue.remove(0);
return front;
} // end dequeue
The rest of the class. The remaining public methods isEmpty and clear invoke analogous Vector
public boolean isEmpty()
return queue.isEmpty();
} // end isEmpty
public void clear()
} // end clear
Efficiency. The implementation of Vector is based on an array that expands dynamically, but not
one that is circular. Since we add entries to one end of a queue and remove them from the other
end, the vector implementation inherently moves its entries after each removal. Thus, dequeue is
O( n ), while the other operations are O(1). However, expanding the vector degrades the perfor-
mance of enqueue . The efficiency of this implementation is not as good as that of the one that
uses a circular array.
Circular Linked Implementations of a Queue
Figure 11-1 in Segment 11.1 shows a chain of linked nodes that implements the ADT queue. This
chain has two external references—one to the first node and one to the last node in the chain. Recall
that these references are particularly useful for a queue implementation, since a queue's operations
affect both of its ends. Like the chains you have seen before, the last node in this chain contains
null . Such chains are sometimes called linear linked chains , regardless of whether they have a tail
reference in addition to a head reference.
In a circular linked chain , the last node references the first node, so no node contains null
in its next field. Despite the fact that each node references the next node, a circular linked chain
has a beginning and an end. We could have an external reference to the chain's first node, but
then a traversal of the chain would be necessary to locate the last node. Having both a reference
to the first node and a reference to the last node is usually more than is necessary. Since the
chain's last node references its first node, we can have a solitary reference to the last node and
still locate the first node quickly. Figure 11-12 illustrates such a chain.
When a class uses a circular linked chain to represent a queue, its only data field is the refer-
ence lastNode to the chain's last node. The implementation therefore does not have the overhead
of maintaining a data field that references the first node. Any time such a reference is needed, the
expression lastNode.getNextNode() provides it. Despite this simplification, this approach is not
necessarily better than the one used in the first section of this chapter. It is mostly just different, as
you will see if you complete Project 4 at the end of this chapter.
We now investigate another way to use a circular linked chain to represent a queue.
Other queue implementations
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