Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can use the method System.arraycopy to copy the array. However, since the array is cir-
cular, you will need two calls to this method. Exercise 1 at the end of this chapter asks you to revise
ensureCapacity in this way.
The rest of the class. The public method isEmpty has the following implementation, based on our
comments at the end of Segment 11.10:
public boolean isEmpty()
return frontIndex == ((backIndex + 1) % queue.length);
} // end isEmpty
The method clear could simply set frontIndex to 0 and backIndex to queue.length - 1. The
other queue methods would behave as expected for an empty queue. However, the objects that were in
the queue would then remain allocated. To deallocate them, clear should set to null each array location
that was used for the queue. Alternatively, clear could call dequeue repeatedly until the queue is empty,
if dequeue sets queue[frontIndex] to null . We leave the implementation of clear as an exercise.
Question 3 Write an implementation of clear that sets to null each array location that
was used for the queue.
Question 4 Write an implementation of clear that repeatedly calls dequeue until the queue is
empty. How does this implementation compare to the one you wrote for Question 3?
Question 5 If queue is an array that contains the entries in a queue, and queue is not treated as
a circular array, what is a disadvantage of maintaining the back of the queue at queue[0] ?
Note: In some languages other than Java, leaving an array location empty wastes memory
because the location contains an object instead of a reference to an object. Project 3 at the end
of this chapter considers an array-based implementation of a queue that does not have an
unused location and does not maintain a counter.
A Vector-Based Implementation of a Queue
Using a vector to represent a queue's entries is relatively easy. We maintain the front of the queue at
the beginning of the vector, as Figure 11-11 illustrates. We can use Vector 's method add to add an
entry to the back of the queue. When we remove the queue's front entry from the vector, the vector's
elements move so that the new front entry in the queue will be at the beginning of the vector. Thus, we
do not need to maintain indices to the front and back of the queue. Also, the vector expands as neces-
sary, so we do not have to worry about this detail.
FIGURE 11-11
A vector that represents a queue
Entry at front
of queue
Entry at back
of queue
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