Java Reference
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Note: The class java.sql.Date
The class Date in the package java.sql of the Java Class Library has a constructor whose
parameter specifies the date as the number of milliseconds since midnight GMT on January
1, 1970. A more convenient way for us to construct a Date object is to use the following static
method valueOf :
public static Date valueOf(String s)
Returns a Date object whose value is given by a string s in the form yyyy-mm-dd.
For example, the expression Date.valueOf("2012-02-29") returns a Date object represent-
ing February 29, 2012.
Date implements the interface Comparable<Date> and overrides toString .
We can either add instances of Assignment directly to a priority queue or write a simple wrapper
class AssignmentLog to organize our assignments. As Figure 10-13 shows, AssignmentLog has a
data field log , which is an instance of a priority queue that contains the assignments in priority
order. The methods addProject , getNextProject , and removeNextProject manipulate the prior-
ity queue indirectly.
FIGURE 10-13
A diagram of the class AssignmentLog
log —a priority queue of assignments
addProject(courseCode, task, dueDate)
An implementation of AssignmentLog appears in Listing 10-6.
The class AssignmentLog
import java.sql.Date;
public class AssignmentLog
private PriorityQueueInterface<Assignment> log;
public AssignmentLog()
log = new PriorityQueue<Assignment>();
} // end constructor
public void addProject(Assignment newAssignment)
} // end addProject
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