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Example. When typing at your keyboard, you might make a mistake. If you backspace to correct
your mistake, what logic is used to decipher your intention? For example, if the symbol
sents a backspace, and you type
the result should be
Each backspace erases the previous character entered.
To replicate this process, as characters are entered, we retain them in an ADT. We want this
ADT to be stacklike so we can access the most recently entered character. But since we ultimately
want the corrected characters to be in the order in which they were entered, we want the ADT to
also behave like a queue. The ADT deque can satisfy these requirements.
The following pseudocode uses a deque to read and display a line of keyboard input:
// read a line
d = a new empty dequeue
while ( not end of line )
character = next character read
if (character ==
// display the corrected line
while (!d.isEmpty())
A Problem Solved: Computing the Capital Gain in a Sale of Stock
When we concluded the capital gain example, Segment 10.12 noted that our queue contained
individual shares of stock. Since a typical stock transaction involves more than one share, repre-
senting a transaction as one object is more natural. But you saw that the transaction object must
have set methods if we use a queue. That would not be the case if we used a deque instead.
In this section, we revise the implementation, but not the design, of the class StockLedger that was intro-
duced in Segment 10.10. We also revise the class StockPurchase so that it represents the purchase of n
shares of stock at d dollars per share, as Segment 10.12 suggests. The revised class has the data fields
shares and cost , a constructor, and the accessor methods getNumberOfShares and getCostPerShare .
We can revise the implementation of the class StockLedger given in Segment 10.11 as fol-
lows. The data field ledger is now an instance of a deque instead of a queue. The method buy cre-
ates an instance of StockPurchase and places it at the back of the deque, as follows:
public void buy( int sharesBought, double pricePerShare)
StockPurchase purchase = new StockPurchase(sharesBought, pricePerShare);
} // end buy
The method sell is more involved. It must remove a StockPurchase object from the front of the
deque and decide whether that object represents more shares than the number sold. If it does, the
method creates a new instance of StockPurchase to represent the shares that remain in the portfolio.
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