Java Reference
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@param first an integer >= 0 and < a.length that is the index of
the first array entry to consider
@param last an integer >= first and < a.length that is the
index of the last array entry to consider
@return the index of the smallest value among
a[first], a[first + 1], . . . , a[last] */
private static <T extends Comparable<? super T>>
int getIndexOfSmallest(T[] a, int first, int last)
T min = a[first];
int indexOfMin = first;
for ( int index = first + 1; index <= last; index++)
if (a[index].compareTo(min) < 0)
min = a[index];
indexOfMin = index;
} // end if
// Assertion: min is the smallest of a[first] through a[index].
} // end for
return indexOfMin;
} // end getIndexOfSmallest
/** Swaps the array entries a[i] and a[j].
@param a an array of objects
@param i an integer >= 0 and < a.length
@param j an integer >= 0 and < a.length */
private static void swap(Object[] a, int i, int j)
Object temp = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = temp;
} // end swap
} // end SortArray
Question 1 Trace the steps that a selection sort takes when sorting the following array into
ascending order: 9 6 2 4 8.
Recursive Selection Sort
Selection sort also has a natural recursive form. Often recursive algorithms that involve arrays operate
on a portion of the array. Such algorithms use two parameters, first and last , to designate the portion
of the array containing the entries a[first] through a[last] . The method getIndexOfSmallest in
Listing 8-1 illustrates this technique. The recursive selection sort algorithm uses this notation as well:
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