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2. Since the recurrence relation for t ( n ) involves two recursive
terms, we need two base cases. In the previous segment, we already showed that t (2) > F 2 and t (3) > F 3 .
Now if t ( n ) > F n for n = 2, 3, . . . , k , we need to show that t ( k + 1) > F k +1 . We can do this as follows:
t ( k + 1) = 1 + t ( k ) + t ( k - 1) > 1 + F k + F k -1 = 1 + F k +1 > F k +1
We can conclude that t ( n ) > F n for all n
Proof by induction that t ( n ) > F n for n
( F n ). Recall that the Big Omega
notation means that t ( n ) is at least as large as the Fibonacci number F n . It turns out that we can compute
F n directly without using the recurrence relation given in Segment 7.37. It can be shown that
Fn = ( a n
Since we know that t ( n ) > F n for all n
2, we can say that t ( n ) =
b n ) /
b n
where a =
/ 2 and b =
/ 2. Since
< 2, we have
. There-
fore, we have
Fn > ( a n
1) /
( a n ). Some arithmetic shows
that the previous expression for a equals approximately 1.6. We conclude that t ( n ) grows exponentially
with n . That is, the time required to compute F n recursively increases exponentially as n increases.
( a n ), and since we know that t ( n ) =
Thus, F n =
( F n ), we have t ( n ) =
At the beginning of this section, we observed that each Fibonacci number is the sum of the preced-
ing two Fibonacci numbers in the sequence. This observation should lead us to an iterative solution
that is O( n ). (See Exercise 9 at the end of this chapter.) Although the clarity and simplicity of the
recursive solution makes it a tempting choice, it is much too inefficient to use.
Programming Tip: Do not use a recursive solution that repeatedly solves the same
problem in its recursive calls.
Question 11 If you compute the Fibonnaci number F 6 recursively, how many recursive
calls are made, and how many additions are performed?
Question 12 If you compute the Fibonnaci number F 6 iteratively, how many additions
are performed?
Tail Recursion
Tail recursion occurs when the last action performed by a recursive method is a recursive call. For
example, the following method countDown from Segment 7.6 is tail recursive:
public static void countDown( int integer)
if (integer >= 1)
countDown(integer - 1);
} // end if
} // end countDown
A method that implements the algorithm Fibonacci given in Segment 7.37 will not be tail recur-
sive, even though a recursive call appears last in the method. A closer look reveals that the last
action is an addition.
The tail recursion in a method simply repeats the method's logic with changes to parameters and
variables. Thus, you can perform the same repetition by using iteration. Converting a tail-recursive
method to an iterative one is usually a straightforward process. For example, let's see how to convert
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