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Before we write some pseudocode to describe the algorithm, we need to identify a base case. If
only one disk is on pole 1, we can move it directly to pole 3 without using recursion. With this as
the base case, the algorithm is as follows:
Algorithm to move numberOfDisks disks from startPole to endPole using tempPole
as a spare according to the rules of the Towers of Hanoi problem
if (numberOfDisks == 1)
Move disk from startPole to endPole
Move all but the bottom disk from startPole to tempPole
Move disk from startPole to endPole
Move all disks from tempPole to endPole
At this point, we can develop the algorithm further by writing
Algorithm solveTowers(numberOfDisks, startPole, tempPole, endPole)
if (numberOfDisks == 1)
Move disk from startPole to endPole
solveTowers(numberOfDisks - 1, startPole, endPole, tempPole)
Move disk from startPole to endPole
solveTowers(numberOfDisks - 1, tempPole, startPole, endPole)
If we choose zero disks as the base case instead of one disk, we can simplify the algorithm a
bit, as follows:
Algorithm solveTowers(numberOfDisks, startPole, tempPole, endPole)
// Version 2
if (numberOfDisks > 0)
solveTowers(numberOfDisks - 1, startPole, endPole, tempPole)
Move disk from startPole to endPole
solveTowers(numberOfDisks - 1, tempPole, startPole, endPole)
Although somewhat easier to write, the second version of the algorithm executes many more recur-
sive calls. Both versions, however, make the same moves.
Question 10 For two disks, how many recursive calls are made by each version of the algo-
rithm just given?
Your knowledge of recursion should convince you that both forms of the algorithm are correct.
Recursion has enabled us to solve a problem that appeared to be difficult. But is this algorithm effi-
cient? Could we do better if we used iteration?
Efficiency. Let's look at the efficiency of our algorithm. How many moves occur when we begin
with n disks? Let m ( n ) denote the number of moves that solveTowers needs to solve the problem
for n disks. Clearly,
m (1) = 1
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