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When n is 1, countDown displays 1. This is the base case and requires a constant amount of
time. When n > 1, the method requires a constant amount of time for both the println statement
and the comparison. In addition, it needs time to solve the smaller problem represented by the
recursive call. If we let t ( n ) represent the time requirement of countDown(n) , we can express these
observations by writing
t (1) = 1
t ( n ) = 1 + t ( n - 1) for n > 1
The equation for t ( n ) is called a recurrence relation , since the definition of the function t con-
tains an occurrence of itself—that is, a recurrence. What we need is an expression for t ( n ) that is not
given in terms of itself. One way to find such an expression is to pick a value for n and to write out
the equations for t ( n ), t ( n - 1), and so on, until we reach t (1). From these equations, we should be
able to guess at an appropriate expression to represent t ( n ). We then need only to prove that we are
right. This is actually easier than it sounds.
Solving a recurrence relation. To solve the previous recurrence relation for t ( n ), let's begin with
n = 4. We get the following sequence of equations:
t (4) = 1 + t (3)
t (3) = 1 + t (2)
t (2) = 1 + t (1) = 1 + 1 = 2
Substituting 2 for t (2) in the equation for t (3) results in
t (3) = 1 + 2 = 3
Substituting 3 for t (3) in the equation for t (4) results in
t (4) = 1 + 3 = 4
It appears that
t ( n ) = n for n
We can start with a larger value of n , get the same result, and convince ourselves that it is true.
But we need to prove that this result is true for every n
1. This is not hard to do.
Proving that t ( n ) = n . To prove that t ( n ) = n for n
1, we begin with the recurrence relation for t ( n ),
since we know it is true:
t ( n ) = 1 + t ( n - 1) for n > 1
We need to replace t ( n - 1) on the right side of the equation. Now if t ( n - 1) = n - 1 when n > 1, the
following would be true for n > 1:
t ( n ) = 1 + n - 1 = n
Thus, if we can find an integer k that satisfies the equation t ( k ) = k , the next larger integer will also
satisfy it. By a similar chain of reasoning, the equation is true for all integers larger than k . Since we
are given that t (1) = 1, all integers larger than 1 will satisfy the equation. This proof is an example
of a proof by induction .
To conclude, we now know that countDown 's time requirement is given by the function t ( n ) = n .
Thus, the method is O( n ).
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