Java Reference
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Removing the top. We can remove the stack's top entry by using Vector 's method remove . The
argument to this method is the index of the last entry in the vector, since that entry is at the top of
the stack. This index is 1 less than the vector's current size stack.size() .
public T pop()
T top = null ;
if (!isEmpty())
top = stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
return top;
} // end pop
The rest of the class. The remaining public methods isEmpty and clear invoke analogous Vector
public boolean isEmpty()
return stack.isEmpty();
} // end isEmpty
public void clear()
} // end clear
Question 9 If a vector contains the entries in a stack, is it reasonable to maintain the
stack's top entry in the vector's first element?
Design Decision: Should VectorStack extend Vector ?
The previous implementation of VectorStack contains an instance of Vector . Suppose that we
instead used inheritance to derive VectorStack from Vector . The resulting class would have all the
methods of Vector in addition to those in StackInterface . However, these Vector methods would
allow a client to add or remove entries anywhere within the stack, thus violating the premise of the
ADT stack. Instead of a stack, we would have an enhanced vector. But a stack is not a vector. Since
we do not have an is-a relationship between stacks and vectors, we should not use inheritance to
define VectorStack .
The class java.util.Stack in the Java Class Library that we introduced in Segment 5.23 of
the previous chapter does extend Vector . Thus, an instance of Stack is not really a stack.
You can implement a stack by using a chain of linked nodes that has only a head reference. The stack opera-
tions execute fastest if the first node in the chain references the stack's top entry. This is true because you
can add, remove, or access a chain's first node faster than any other node.
The stack operations are O(1) for a linked implementation.
You can implement a stack by using an array. If the first location in the array contains the stack's bottom
entry, no array elements will be moved when you add or remove stack entries.
Resizing an array avoids a stack that is too full to accept another entry. However, the array generally contains
locations that are unused.
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