Java Reference
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Let's examine this algorithm for each of the examples given in the previous figures. For the balanced
expression in Figure 5-3, the while loop ends with an empty stack and isBalanced set to true . For
the expression in Figure 5-4, the loop ends when it finds that the close bracket does not correspond to
the open parenthesis. The flag isBalanced is false ; the fact that the stack is not empty does not
affect the outcome of the algorithm.
With the expression in Figure 5-5, the loop ends at the close brace because the stack is empty
at that point. Retrieving or popping the top entry of the empty stack results in null , so the flag
isBalanced is set to false. Finally, with the expression in Figure 5-6, the loop ends at the end of the
expression with isBalanced set to true. But the stack is not empty—it contains an open brace—so
after the loop, isBalanced becomes false.
Question 3 Show the contents of the stack as you trace the algorithm checkBalance , as
given in Segment 5.8, for each of the following expressions. What does checkBalance
return in each case?
[ a { b / ( c - d ) + e / ( f + g )} - h ]
{ a [ b + ( c + 2) / d ] + e ) + f }
[ a { b + [ c ( d + e ) - f ] + g }
Java implementation. The class BalanceChecker , shown in Listing 5-2, implements our algorithm as
the static method checkBalance . The method has one parameter, the expression as a string. We assume
that the class OurStack implements StackInterface and is available. Since StackInterface specifies
a stack of objects, but the previous algorithm uses a stack of characters, checkBalance uses the wrapper
class Character to create objects suitable for the stack.
The class BalanceChecker
public class BalanceChecker
/** Decides whether the parentheses, brackets, and braces
in a string occur in left/right pairs.
@param expression a string to be checked
@return true if the delimiters are paired correctly */
public static boolean checkBalance(String expression)
StackInterface<Character> openDelimiterStack =
new OurStack<Character>();
int characterCount = expression.length();
boolean isBalanced = true ;
int index = 0;
char nextCharacter = ' ';
for (; isBalanced && (index < characterCount); index++)
nextCharacter = expression.charAt(index);
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