Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Colosseum
One of the most recognizable historical sites in the world, the Colosseum is an elliptical-
shaped amphitheater located in the heart of Rome's city center. While this historic structure
has succumbed to the ravages of nature and time, but it still stands as an iconic symbol of
the architectural and engineering skills of Imperial Rome. Construction on the amphitheater
began in 70 AD and was ultimately completed in 80 AD. It was originally named the Flavi-
an Amphitheater, and was the largest constructed building of its time; it remains today as the
largest amphitheater in the world.
Constructed using concrete, stone, and marble, in its heyday stands are thought to have been
able to easily accommodate up to 80,000 spectators. Over the years, this architectural won-
der has been re purposed for a number of things, including workshops, housing, and a fort-
ress, but its original intended purpose was as host for gladiator contests, circus events, exe-
cutions, and dramatic reenactments.
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