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Fig. 1.1 Timeline of video coding standards
category. Since the ideal society started early, it is too hard for them to estimate
what will happen in the future. So the system they designed was too ideal, with
some gentle assumptions which have been used by dishonest bodies.
2. Practical cost-effective standard society, started 10-15 years ago, pays attention
to low-cost video codec for manufactory and content providers. Participators
of this society mostly come from the ideal pure technology society. They first
tried to make a loyalty-free codec within ideal pure technology society, and after
failing they moved out to set up this practical society. AVS working group, will
be explained in below, is a typical example of this society.
3. One company-driven standard society, started 10-15 years ago, has only two cases
in this category, Microsoft and Google. These big Internet companies do not want
to face any troubles in video formats which may use other protected techniques.
Below we list the well-known organizations for creating video coding standards,
according to the above three societies. It is obvious that the groups introduced in
1.3.1-1.3.3 belong to the ideal pure technology society, the groups introduced in
1.3.4-1.3.5 belong to the practical cost-effective standard society, and the groups
introduced in 1.3.6-1.3.7 belong to one company-driven standard society.
1.3.1 ITU-T VCEG
ITU-T VCEG is a working group on video coding standards, in particular for image
and video communication, under ITU-T (ITU Telecommunication Standardization
Sector). VCEG (Video Communication Expert Group) is the informal name of Ques-
tion 6 (Visual coding) of Working Party 3 (Media coding) of Study Group 16 (Mul-
timedia coding, systems and applications). Its abbreviated title is ITU-T Q.6/SG 16.
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