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[0 , 1]: the dissatisfaction against the current society
due to lack of physical protection. This value is reduced every round by 1% and
increases by 0 . 2 (bounded by 1) when the agent is attacked.
social dissatisfaction
Villages. A village agent accommodates human agents and serves as deposit
for their food resources. This agent is lead if a special organization (police or
CH oce) requires it. The leader establishes the social policy SP . SP is a couple
( R police ,R CH )
[0 , 1] 2 .Eachmemberof SP determines the ratio of organi-
zational jobs (police, CH ) per inhabitant offered to the population. Thus, SP
allows to tune the resource given to the organizations, in order to balance orga-
nizational costs and benefits.
: the amount of food stored by humans. Human agents storing their
bag increase the value of food by the amount of their bag and set bag to 0. When
the village is lead, a portion (20%) of the stored food is spoiled by leaders (to buy
luxury goods). With this mechanism, we simplify the burden of sharing resources
via exchange, trade or redistributive economy (which can also be achieved with
our method, the redistributive economy being a pre-requisite of an organization
for instance). Thus, the salary of organizational workers is the ability to eat from
the common pot.
culture v
[0 , 1] n : the culture of the village. Without a leader, it is the average
culture of its inhabitants, otherwise it is the culture vector of the leader.
harvest tech level
: the food production eciency of the village (techno-
logical and environmental). When a human agent harvests some food, it puts
harvest tech level units of food its bag. Empirically, the size of the society is cor-
related to the value of this variable. So, this variable is used in the experiments
to determine the society size. Its values ranges between 10 and 300.
4.3 Rules
Human Rules. Figure 2 shows the main steps of the decision making process
of a human agent (individual behaviour).
Update life constants: energy is decreased (starving agents are removed) and
culture is randomly tilted (one of its items is set to a random value) with a
probability of 0 . 2.
Fig. 2. The decision making process
of a human agent
Fig. 3. Summary of the village rules
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