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Fig. 1. UML class diagram of a coastal land market model
At the beginning of a trading period all active buyers start searching for a property
that maximizes their utility. Household's utility depends on a combination of compo-
site ( z ) and housing ( s ) goods which is affordable for her budget ( Y ) net of transport
costs ( T(D) ):
or (1)
Here kH is a coefficient to translate the asking price of a seller ( H ask ) into an annual
payment. Preferences for housing good ( and amenities ) as well as exogenous
incomes ( Y ) are heterogeneous across household agents.
When choosing a location in a costal town with designated flood zones, a house-
hold operates under the conditions of uncertainty. Thus, she in fact maximizes her
expected utility ( EU ):
1 (2)
where UF is households utility in case flood event occurs, U NF is utility in the case of
no flood, and P i is a subjective risk perception of a buyer. In economic literature indi-
vidual, possibly biased, risk perception is often formalized by means of altering ob-
jective probability of flooding (P) 1 . Thus, , where is an individual bias
that changes over time.
1 We acknowledge that several alternative interpretations regarding the formalization of subjec-
tive risk perception may exist (i.e. misinformation about potential losses, misinformation
about probabilities, level of risk or loss aversion, feeling of worry and dread, etc.). The impli-
cation of alternative formalizations of subjective risk perceptions is a subject for future work.
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