Environmental Engineering Reference
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clear overall objectives must be devised for the demonstration of contaminated
soil and groundwater remediation technologies;
overall indicators must be developed that link demonstration actions to
achievement of overall objectives;
process protocols need to be developed for combinations of technologies.
Efficiency assessment, indicators and tools, and comparative efficiency out-
puts are necessary for the demonstration of contaminated soil and groundwater
Cost reporting is also needed.
Technological reliability with clear and goal-oriented objectives, indicators and
tools, as well as comparable reliability outputs are necessary.
A demonstration quality certification scheme needs to be devised.
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ART (2013) Advanced Reach Tool . [Online] Available from: https://www.advancedreachtool.
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ATSDR (2013) Toxic Substances Portal . Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.
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Boland, R.J. (1987) The information of information systems. In: Boland, R.L. & Hirschheim,
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Brilloin, L. (1962) Science and information theory . New York, Academic Press.
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CARACAS (1996-1998) Concerted Action for Risk Assessment for Contaminated Sites
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CHESAR (2013) CHEmical Safety Assessment and Reporting Tool, ECHA. [Online] Available
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Checkland, P.B. & Scholes, J. (1990) Soft systems methodology in action . New York, John
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