Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Australian Environment quality, publication;
BIOLOG: Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data, SRC;
CHEMFATE: Environmental fate and physical/chemical property information,
BIODEG: Experimental biodegradation values;
BIODEG SUMMARY: Summary evaluation of biodegradability tested by different
methods and under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, SRC;
EPER: European Pollutant Emission Register: Annual emissions of approx. 9,200
industrial facilities in the 15 Member States of the EU;
INTARESE: Integrated Assessment of Health Risks of Environmental Stressors in
OECD CICADs and SIDS for High Production Volume Chemicals: Sources,
transport, hazards, exposure;
OECD eChem Portal: Physicochemical properties, environmental fate and behav-
ior, ecotoxicity and toxicity;
OECD Emission Scenario Documents: Sources, production processes, pathways
and use patterns;
Platform for Exposure Assessment;
Resource Centre for PRTR: Release Estimation Techniques (RETs);
RA Documents on several chemical substances: Japanese National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology;
ToxProfiles: Toxic Substance Portal - ATSDR;
US EPA High Production Volume Challenge: HPV Databases;
Statistics on production, diseases and accidents and estimates on human health
and environmental risks provide important information in impact assessment. Statis-
tical data are primary information for regional-scale environmental management of
chemicals and environmental contaminants.
EU Environment & Energy Statistics;
EUCAN: EU Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Prevalence;
European Business: Facts and figures on mining, manufacturing, construction,
recycling, etc.;
Eurostat: High quality statistics on Europe;
Health and Safety: UK HSE Statistics on health, accidents and working days lost
Health data for OECD countries in 2008: EcoSante France;
National Statistical Agencies of the UNECE Member Countries;
OECD Statistics Database: Economic, competition, regulation, enterprise, trade;
Solusource: Business database;
UNECE Statistics: Europe, North America and Central Asia;
WHO Burden of Disease: Statistics: Death and DALY estimates for 2002;
WHOSIS: WHO Statistical Information System on Health and Socioeconomic
World Health Statistics 2008.
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