Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Environmental problems - An overview
K. Gruiz
Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food Science,
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
This introductory chapter provides an overview of man-made environmental problems
such as overuse and contamination and helps understand the complex management
of the deteriorated environment. The deterioration of the environment endangers
ecosystems and humans impacting environmental and human health, as well as eco-
nomic well-being of people. The management concepts and methods require a holistic
approach at global, regional, and local scales which must be supported by as much
information and knowledge as possible. In this chapter, we introduce the main char-
acteristics of the ecosystems, their tendentious deterioration, and the extent and
consequences of the deterioration.
The presence of chemical substances in the environment represents a major
environmental threat. This topic focuses on this subject from the management and
legislation point of view. From among the most dangerous/hazardous chemical sub-
stances used and emitted in large quantities, and those having considerable adverse
effects, we will discuss some selected groups in great detail such as carcinogens and
“substances of emerging concern.'' The agricultural use of pesticides and fertilizers
and the waste phase of the chemical substances will be discussed in the context of the
consequences on soil quality and soil degradation.
This is the first volume of the five-volume topic series Engineering Tools for
Environmental Risk Management .
Engineering tools in environmental management are expected to solve the problems
which originate from exploitation of the environment and the associated damage
caused to it.
“Solving the problem'' may mean prevention by changing the technologies and
human activities, thereby preventing damage or reducing the risk by the remediation
and rehabilitation of the environment if it has already been damaged. In those cases
where the origin of the environmental problem cannot be identified and controlled,
the target of prevention and remediation moves from management of the source to the
management of the receptor side, the end point of adverse effects. It is identical with
the protection of individuals and ecosystems from the damaged and risky environment,
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