Chemistry Reference
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n•Hg II
2n•H +
Figure 16.7 A possible mechanism for strand slippage
: Hg II
T-Hg II -T
2n•H +
poly-T (or T-rich) sequence
poly-dA (or A-rich) sequence
poly-dA (or A-rich) loop
Figure 16.8 A possible mechanism of deletion mutation by Hg II
This interaction mode can rationalize the strand-slippage model for poly-
d(AT) - Hg II complex with a T-Hg II -T base pair. This is because only in the case of
the dA-dT alternating polymer [poly-d(AT)], does strand slippage by one base lead
to a continuous duplex with A-A mismatch pairs and T-Hg II - T base pairs (Figure
16.7). It has also been suggested that T-Hg II -T base pairing might be related to dele-
tion mutations when human cells are exposed to a high concentration of Hg II (Figure
16.8 ). 100 As a possible mechanism for this mutation, poly-d(A)-poly-d(T) sequences
might form T - Hg II -T base pairs within the poly-d(T) strand to give a hairpin loop.
The resulting looped-out region would be skipped by DNA polymerase during
replication of the genome. Therefore, from a toxicological point of view, the Hg II -
DNA interaction would be related to biological phenomena. 28,100,101
Here, we discuss the thermodynamic stability of the T-Hg II - T base pair. Upon
T - Hg II -T base pairing, the T m of the DNA duplex, d(CGCG TT GTCC) · d(GGAC
TT CGCG), is considerably higher than that of the full-matched DNA duplex, d(C
GCG TT GTCC) · d(GGAC AA CGCG) (YT unpublished data). It was found that
the T - Hg II -T base pair has a similar (or higher) thermodynamic stability, relative to
Watson-Crick base pairs. Therefore, this thermodynamic stability might be a driving
force for strand slippage/displacement and loop-out. Next, we would like to note
the kinetics of T-Hg II -T base pairing. From NMR studies, the Hg II association/dis-
sociation processes in DNA duplexes have been shown generally to be slow relative
to an NMR timescale. 80 - 83 These observations are consistent with the kinetic data
from Williams and Crothers, who reported stopped-fl ow experiments with UV
spectra. 102 Therefore, once a T - Hg II -T base pair is formed, the pairs are not only
thermodynamically, but also kinetically, stable, suggesting that it is diffi cult to dis-
sociate T - Hg II -T base pairs once they are accidentally formed in cells.
For this reason, biological organisms possess a defense system against toxic
metal cations (Hg II , Cd II , Pb II and so on), such as metallothioneins (metal-ion-
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