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Scheme 16.3
coordination of N1 of A [N1(A)] to Hg II , a higher - fi eld shift is plausible for the 15 N
resonance of imine nitrogen (Table 16.2). 62 - 64,75 - 79 It was also proposed that the
bound Hg II would be ligated with carbonyl oxygen (O4) of T [O4(T)] in the opposite
strand. 69 - 72 As a result, A - Hg II -T base pairs were thought to be formed in the DNA
duplex (Scheme 16.3). This structure was supported by Hg II titration experiments
with 1 H NMR spectra of d(GCCGATATCGGC) 2 . 70,72 From the 1 H NMR data, imino
proton resonances of thymine residues in A-Hg II -T base pairs were observed after
Hg II binding was saturated. 70,72 This means that imino protons of thymine residues
were preserved after A-Hg II - T base pair formation (Scheme 16.3 ).
Thus, all NMR data are consistent with the proposed structure of the A-Hg II - T
base pair. Interestingly, this pairing arrangement is similar to the one proposed by
Davidson ' s group (Scheme 16.2 ), 11 but the correct structure of the A-Hg II - T base
pair might be the one by Sletten's group (Scheme 16.3). From these data, it was
found that in the A,G,C,T mixed sequence, Hg II can penetrate between a Watson-
Crick A-T base pair without strand slippage or imino proton-Hg II exchange
16.4.3 T - H g II - T Base Pair
In 1996, Kuklenyik and Marzilli reported a possible formation of T-Hg II - T base pairs
in DNA oligomers using 1 H NMR spectroscopy. 80 They performed Hg II titration
experiments with several DNA oligomers, namely, d(ATGGG TT CCCAT),
d(GCGC TTT GCGC) and d(GCGC T TT T GCGC). As the concentration of Hg II
was increased, the imino proton resonances of underlined thymines decreased, and
then disappeared around 1 molar equivalent to the T-T mismatches in the following
context. 80 For d(ATGGG TT CCCAT) and d(GCGC TTT GCGC), they seemed to
form self-associated duplexes in the presence of Hg II . 80 In the case of
d(GCGC T TT T GCGC) a hairpin structure was formed in the presence of Hg II . 80
However, on the addition of excess Hg II , this hairpin molecule seemed to be trans-
formed into a self-associated duplex gradually. 80 However, the disappearance of the
imino proton resonances suggested T-Hg II -T base pair formation in the DNA
duplexes. Thus, this NMR study provides the fi rst NMR data for a possible forma-
tion of T - Hg II -T base pairs in DNA oligomers with defi ned chain lengths and
Similar Hg II titration experiments were presented in 2006, and imino proton
resonances of thymidine residues were seen to disappear upon the addition of
approximately 1 molar equivalent of Hg II to a T-T mismatch in a DNA duplex:
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