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Figure 1.6 400 MHz 1 H NMR spectra, the aromatic region, of the dodecamer
[d(GCCGATATCGGC)] 2 : (a) the spectrum of Mn 2+ -free solution, and (b) with added MnCl 2
at a Mn 2+ /duplex ratio of approximately 10 3 . The H8 and H6 proton resonances of purine
and pyrimidine residues are labelled according to their sequential assignment 8
distinct sequence - selective pattern: GA
GC. The adenine A - H8 resonances,
plotted as references, are not infl uenced by the paramagnetic ions.
Elmroth and coworkers have shown that metalation of single-stranded oligo-
nucleotides of the type d(T n GT 16− n ) reach a maximum in the central part of the oli-
gomer indicating lack of sequence-selective infl uence on the reaction rate. 33,34 This
result is in accordance with NMR and photo-cleavage studies on metalation of
single - stranded DNA oligomers. 18 Based on Monte Carlo descriptions of the oligo-
electrolyte properties of double-stranded DNA oligomers it has been postulated
that outer-sphere Coulombic interactions cause cations to be localized preferen-
tially in the interior rather than the terminal part of the DNA oligomers. 35 For
inner-sphere metalation other factors may dominate, as demonstrated for the pal-
indromic hexanucleotide d(G 1 G 2 C 3 G 4 C 5 C 6 ) (seq. VI). 36 Addition of MnCl 2 induces
selective line-broadening on the terminal G 1 - H8 with no signifi cant effect on G 2 and
G 5 , as shown in the plot of line-broadening versus added MnCl 2 . In contrast, the
terminal G 1 -H8 in duplex II (see above) shows almost no line-broadening.
Labiuk et al. 37 have reported X-ray determinations of Co 2+ , Ni 2+ and Zn 2+ com-
plexes of d(G 1 G 2 C 3 G 4 C 5 C 6 ) (seq. VI), where the metal ions are coordinated only to
the terminal guanine G 1 -N7 position, with no metal ions binding to nonterminal
guanine positions. The authors concluded that in the regular B-DNA conformation
the internal binding sites are not accessible to Co 2+ , Ni 2+ and Zn 2+ , and that conse-
quently these metal ions bind exclusively to the terminal region of double-helical
B-DNA, irrespective of base sequence. This is in contrast to our studies, which
show a clear sequence-selective binding pattern for 3d metal ions with no special
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